Mobile Photography Workshop
iPhoneography is the art of creating photos with an Apple iPhone.[1][2][3] This is a style of mobile photography that differs from all other forms of digital photography   in that images are both shot and processed onThe iOS device. Whether a photo is edited using different graphics applications is an argument among iPhone photographers. iPhoneography has grown quickly since 2007, when the original iPhone 2G's 2-megapixel camera was released. As the iPhone cameras improved in both resolution and image quality, more professional photographers ventured into this art form and started recognizing the value of an iPhone image.[4][5][6] The New York Times published a summer series of reportages using Instagram in August 2011.[7] Photographer Damon Winter won prizes for his Hipstamatic photos[8] of the war in Afghanistan.[9] iPhoneography techniques are created using iOS-based apps. They are important so that they can add more features to the picture that has been taken. Using these apps, people can make many changes to a picture that was very bad and turn it to a very cool one. Some of these applications are free and some of them can be bought. They can be found in the App Store   .

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